The air ring is a unique direction that came from the circus to the dance sport. The specificity of the genre is based on the demonstration of unusual body skills that go beyond the ordinary. This is a combination of gymnastics, dance, stretching, and acrobatics, which in a single whole is very elegant and beautiful! This genre is considered the most spectacular and fascinating in the circus show. The rooms showcase various elements on strength, flexibility and balance.
History of appearance
Air rings as a circus direction have been developing for a very long time, but as a dance direction they are just beginning to attract attention. Despite their simple appearance, rings require strength, endurance and stretching to train.
First of all, remember that among the circus rings there is a huge choice: rings for one and two people, rings suspended in a different plane, spiral and multifaceted, with and without a crossbar. Gymnasts choose the most comfortable and spectacular for their performance.
The basis of air hoop
Each prop has certain tricks that are distributed according to certain criteria.
Air hoops have:
Manholes are also incredibly important when practicing on the ring. There are not as many of them as on the canvases and for beginners they may seem much easier. Although lazy are performed and much easier, this does not mean that they are less beautiful or spoil the look of the performance.
In the video, in the interval 0:20 - 0:30, the girl makes an interesting manhole
Tricks are the basis in the mastery of the air ring. Tricks are called absolutely all elements performed on the surface of the ring. Tricks are also a sufficient skill to compete, as ring falls are mostly used by professionals and trainers.
On the same video, in the interval 0:30 - 1:00, the girl makes a different tricks
Cliffs on the ring are no less spectacular sight than on canvases. Although they are performed much more difficult and much more terrible, but when you learn how to do this, you will be in the highest class in competitions, and in the future you can even become a coach. Therefore, you need to train and make breaks to achieve your goals.
In the video, in the interval 3:25 - 3:35, the girl makes a rather difficult and scary cliff
Now you know a lot about aerial gymnastics on hoops, you got acquainted with all the basic elements and saw them performed. Now you can also get acquainted with the most striking and unforgettable performances on hoops, as well as read interesting facts about aerial gymnastics on hoops from other sources)
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