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Air canvases are a type of aerial gymnastics, the participants of which perform tricks on fabric canvases tied to the ceiling. This sport was popularized by the Cirque du Soleil in the 1990s, adding to it the concept of the aerial arts as a dance form and theatrical expression, rather than a purely gymnastic art of movement

History of appearance

Stephen Santos' book Just a Circus tells the story of the fact that in 1959, in a French circus school, a student prepared a number on a long piece of cloth. The girl's tricks made a great impression on the teachers. However, after this incident, gymnastics on air canvases was undeservedly forgotten for more than 30 years. And only in 1996, interest in her flared up again, when one of the artists of the famous Cirque du Soleil became a participant in the show Quidam and showed a number with paintings.

Other data suggest that the predecessor of gymnastics on canvas was belt gymnastics, which existed in China in the XVII century. The prototype of modern paintings at that time were belts or leather ribbons, which the artist wrapped around his wrist, performing various tricks. Based on Chinese practice, in 1987 Canadian gymnast Andre Simard, on behalf of the management of the Cirque du Soleil, where he worked, improved aerial gymnastics. During his first performance, Andre combined gymnastics with circus tricks in the air.

The basis of air canvases

Each prop has certain tricks that are distributed according to certain criteria.

Air canvases have:

  1. Manholes
  2. Windings
  3. Cliffs
trick on arial silk


Laz is the foundation of the foundations. Until you master it, you will not be able to do any serious tricks at a height, since it is thanks to the manholes that you climb the canvases to perform cliffs and tricks at a height. Lashes are very different. From simple to extremely complex, banal and unusually beautiful.


In the video, in the interval 0:25 - 0:35, the girl makes the simplest manhole


Windings is also a huge part of the mastery of aerial gymnastics. They are present both in beautiful aesthetic tricks and in cliffs that are simply mesmerizing. Windings are also very different. Some can be completed by a beginner in the first lesson, and some require years of practice.


On the same video, in the interval 0:35 - 0:50, the girl makes a fairly light wind



Cliffs are probably the most beloved and bewitching part of many trapeze acts. Even the simplest cliff requires many hours of training, strong muscles and of course the absence of fear. You may be surprised, but even at a height of three meters you will be covered by a fear of heights due to the fact that you are on a not so (as you think) solid structure - the canvas.


In the video, in the interval 1:20 - 1:30, the girl makes a rather difficult and scary cliff



Now you know a lot about aerial gymnastics on canvases, you got acquainted with all the basic elements and saw them performed. Now you can also get acquainted with the most striking and unforgettable performances on canvases, as well as read interesting facts about aerial gymnastics on canvases from other sources)












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