New Year

On the night of 31 December and the morning of 1 January, people in many countries all over the world will celebrate the beginning of a new year.

How can you celebrate New Year?

I think everybody can decide by themselves how to celebrate New Year. If you like parties, concerts, events, you should visit some of them on New Year night. If you like the home atmosfer and celebrate New Year with your family - do it.

In Kiev forums (or forums of your city/town) of events you can find a lot of concerts that will be on concret day.

But if you will celebrate New Year at home you can plan some challenges for your family. You will have a lot of fun and remember the celebration for some period of time.

Here is my challenge for people who spend the holidays with other people: Create some ease by preparing together. It doesn’t matter whether you live alone or with a bunch of people, if the party is at your place, ask everyone you plan to celebrate with how they want to contribute. Make a list according to age, availability and capability, so that everyone gets the chance to share in the tasks either before, on, or after the holidays. Share the cleaning, decorating, food preparing, setting the table or doing dishes. After all, many hands make light work. Here is my caveat: Giving up the definition and roles of ‘host’ and ‘guest’ requires a mind shift that may initially feel uncomfortable as cultural rules no longer apply. You may find, however, that you let go of stress and can celebrate a true community event where everyone shares and connects.

Some ideas for celebration New Year

Board game marathon

Let's end the year with fun and competition.

Starting at 6 p.m., gather everyone at home to start a board game marathon at the top of each hour until midnight. Depending on how many people are in your household, you might need to add or take away some board games. Play board games though that will not take longer than an hour, so Monopoly is definitely off the list. Caller-Times suggests Jenga, Uno, Battleship, Guess Who, Connect Four and Scrabble. Make it more interesting by adding rewards for the top player of each hour.

Famous firework shows

Instead of waiting for fireworks to show up on your television screen around midnight, why not watch famous firework shows from years past?

YouTube will be your friend for this binge marathon. The better part? The shows don't have to be fixated just on celebrating New Year's Eve. Maybe you remember going to Walt Disney World as a child and want to relive seeing that firework show with your children. Additionally, you can view firework shows from past years from around the world. Just typing in "firework shows" on YouTube reveals a 33-minute firework festival from Japan.

Make a time capsule

2021 has been an interesting year to say the least. What better way to commemorate this whirlwind than with a time capsule?

Gather some ticket stubs from movies or concerts you attended, a few photos and maybe a handwritten letter summarizing how 2021 went for you. Make it accessible for every family member by purchasing some mason jars so they each have their own capsule and can decorate as desired. If you don't want to dig up your backyard with a plethora of holes, place the jars in safe storage and revisit them next New Year's Eve.

Foreign traditions

Celebrating culture is a fun, interesting way to celebrate New Year's Eve this year.

Be like the Greeks and hang onions on your doorway. The smelly but delicious veggie is a symbol of rebirth and will promote growth throughout the new year.

In Denmark, when the clock strikes midnight people jump off chairs by "jumping into the new year." It's popular with the little ones and is supposed to bring good luck. Other traditions you can partake in are sprinkling salt on your doorstep to promote peace like those in Turkey do or be like the Armenians and bake bread for luck.

That is all ideas for New year


I think before New Year we should be motivated. So I want share with you one motivational quote Sometimes things become possible if we want them bad enough this quote is my favourite.

Motivational quotes:

John Keats You can get everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want.

Ernest Hemingway There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self.

Harper Lee You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view. Until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it.

Oscar Wilde It is what you read when you don’t have to that determines what you will be when you can’t help it.

F. Scott Fitzgerald Tomorrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms farther….

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How can you celebrate New Year?

Some ideas for celebration New Year

Board game marathon

Famous firework shows

Make a time capsule

Foreign traditions


Motivational quotes